TRAGEDY: 7 Dead, 289 Missing and 179 Rescued In South Korean Ferry Sinking

A tragedy happened yesterday in South Korea, when a ferry with over 300 people on board sank with 9 people officially confirmed dead, over 300 missing and 179 survivors.
Ferry, called Sewol, departed from Ansan city for a four day trip to Jeju Island, which is considered a Hawaii of South Korea. It left the port at Incheon at 9:30 p.m. on March 15th.
On Wednesday, before 9 a.m., one of the passengers, Kim Sung-Mook, as he reported to CNN, felt a tilt of ship when he was having his breakfast in the main hall of the ferry. He claims that the passengers thought the tilt happened due to the tide. However, the ship suddenly leaned.
The announcement was made via ship’s loudspeakers asking the passengers to stay still as moving would be dangerous. After that, they heard a loud bang coming from inside the ship. According to Kim, he thought that it was a crane on board that had toppled over.
Seawater gushed into the ferry. Passengers began to scramble. As the water was frigid, many passengers decided to obey and stay inside.
According to CNN reports, there were 46 lifeboats on the vessel, however, only 1 was deployed.
There were over 400 people aboard the ferry, including 340 teenagers as well as teachers from Seoul school which set off for a field trip.
*most of the ferry is underwater
One of the survivors, 36-year-old Koo Bon-hee, criticized the crew for telling the passengers to stay seated. “We were wearing life jackets. We had time,” he told the Associated Press. “If people had jumped into the water … they would have been rescued. But we were told not to go out.” 
As South Korean students are accustomed to very strict discipline, it may have made them to follow the crew’s order. “We were asking ourselves: ‘Shouldn’t we move? Shouldn’t we try and get out?’ another survivor Huh Young-ki,” told Agence France-Presse. “But the announcement was saying help would be there in 10 minutes.”
There are two theories on what caused the ferry to sink, the first one is speculating upon whether it hit a rock. However, the rescuers that arrived to save the passengers, told that the area had no major rocks. The second theory says that the cargo shifted on board of the vessel, which caused it to lean and sink. According to officials of South Korea, the crew and the captain are being questioned.
The President Park Geun-hye announced “We must not give up”. He spoke at the Ministry of Security of Public Administration, saying “We must do our best to rescue even one of those passengers and students who may not have escaped from the ship.”
However, the government is criticized for the operation, as people are saying it should be doing more and much faster. Someone threw a bottle at the Premier Jung Hong-won when he visited families of the missing passengers with the news.
Divers are hunting for survivors, fighting strong currents and cold water.
Heartbreaking messages from passengers of the ship are revealed.
After the ferry started drowning, one of the teachers sent a message to all children that were with him:“I’ll see you kids outside. I love you all.”
One of the female students texted to her father at 10:04 a.m: “Dad, don’t worry. I have my life vest on, and we’re all here together.” Her father replied to that text: “I know that the rescue is underway but shouldn’t you be waiting outside the rail? Try to get out if you can.”
She replied to that: “I can’t get out. The corridor is full of kids and it’ll be even more dangerous to move because the ship is tilted.”
She is now in the list of people still missing.
One of the most heartbreaking messages was sent by a 17-year old student to his mother: “Mom, this might be the last chance to tell you that I love you.” Mother replied to that: “Me too, my son. I love you”. She didn’t know that her son was in so much trouble.
Is there still hope?
On Thursday morning one of the parents revealed a message from his son, that might be still alive trapped inside: “I’m Choi Hye-rin from class 9, and I’m alive. I’m in the cafeteria. Many others alive. We need help. We’re running out of battery. Please trust me,” however the police is yet to verify this message.
*familes of those missing are waiting for answers
The Park Geun-hye adressed the familes waiting for answers
*the rescue operation is in progress

JUST NOW: The captain of the ship, Lee Joon-seok is right now interviewed by police. His face obscured by a hood, he claims he was ''really sorry and deeply ashamed'' for the tragedy that had happened.


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