Vol 2

There is nothing God cannot do. Remember He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Say to yourself: this is my present situation, but in the future, this is who I am going to be. 
Say it, dream it, desire it and believe it. Those that trust in God shall be strong and do exploits.

Segun Obe, Donnie Mcclurcken were all written off by the medical world. Their medical reports confirmed that they could NEVER sing again. Yet they are accomplished singers today. 
How did they do it? 
The power of positive thinking and a mindset of I CAN DO IT.

Everyone wants to be an American citizen today. It was the efforts and determination of some people that makes America the dream of every one. Fourteen young men locked themselves up in a closet and planned and prayed fervently for days. They came out with the constitution of the world’s strongest country.

Martin Luther King (Jnr) lived in the era where blacks and whites were segregated. He thought and imagined a world of equality between blacks and whites: “I have a dream that one day, my children will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by their character…” 

Many years later, Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States of America in an election which was credibly conducted and became the first black man to rule America.

There is power in the tongue. 
Your utterance can make or mar your destiny. 
Confess positively. Work towards being the best only. Say I CAN!
Rise and take up the challenge because you were born to rule your world.
                                          ©) jerrydouglaslinks publication 2010


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